Covid Travel Conditions
The Malagasy authorities have developed health measures intended to safeguard all visitors coming to Madagascar. These measures are summed up in the following fifteen points listed below.
Produce a ticket with a definitive departure date from Madagascar.
Wear mandatory surgical masks throughout the duration of the plane journey;
Change mask every 3 hours;
Acknowledge that FFP 2 masks are reserved by the airline for suspected cases on board.
At the departing airport, produce a negative PCR test result obtained 72 hours before boarding the flight.
Comply with all health protocols in place at the airports (social distancing, temperature taking, disinfecting etc...)
Purchase and take a mandatory PCR test at the arrival airport (about 25 euros).
Quarantine for 48 hours (at traveler's expense) while awaiting the results of that test.
Provide a cell phone number (with a messaging application), where traveler can be reached for duration of stay.
Provide a valid email address in the landing forms.
Report daily comings and goings to their residence/hotel reception, if requested by management/authorities.
Refrain from traveling to the mainland of Madagascar **only excursions to selected islands around Nosy Be are authorized**
Comply with protective measures such as
wearing a face mask in all public places without exception
1 meter social distancing
regular hand washing and disinfection;
Report COVID – 19 symptoms to the hotel reception and/or local authority.
Submit a signed Letter of Commitment acknowledging the Covid-19-related health measures in Madagascar
Submit a signed Health Letter of Commitment for the Public Health Ministry
(For travelers to Nosy be), take note of its specific sanitary measures
**Please note the countries listed below from which Madagascar is currently not receiving visitors.**
Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, France, Germany, India, Iran, Italy, Morocco, Netherlands, Poland, Russia, Spain, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States